Civil Engineering Department

Sl.No. Name Designation Qualification Publication Training Photo Identity
1 Mrs. Anita Saikia Lecturer, Selection Grade M.E. “Effect of fly-ash on strength behavior of clayey soil” – International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. Vol04 issue 07 e-ISSN:2395-0056, p – ISSN:2395-0072 – PP-2506 to 2508. (i)“Preventing and handling workplace harassment and discrimination” – 3 day training . Course at Assam Administrative Staff College Khanapara.
2 Mr. Anjan Barman Lecturer, Selection Grade (HoD i/c) M.E. Nil 1. 3-days Training programme on Project Management sponsored by DoPT, Govt. of India from 4-6 October, 2021
3 Mr. Ankush Borgohain Lecturer, Selection Grade M.E. Nil Nil
4 Ms. Roshanara Begum Lecturer, Selection Grade M.E. Nil One
5 Mr. Dilip Kumar Baishya Lecturer, Selection Grade M.E. Nil (I) Induction Training (2) Earthquake Resistant Structure.
6 Mr. Pradip Kumar Kalita Lecturer, Selection Grade M.Tech. Nil One Numbers (One Week)
7 Mr. Mokaddes Hussain Lecturer, Selection Grade M.E. Nil Two Numbers
8 Mrs. Barnali Roy Choudhury Lecturer M.E. Nil Domestic Water Purifier and Health (Last 3 Years) Strategic Management Environmental Pollution – An Overview Practical training at construction site of Nalbari Medical College at Dakshingaon. Recent Development in Civil Engineering. Disaster Management Mitigation and Responces,2020 Analysis and design of structures using latest version of a structural engineering software
9 Nabajyoti Deka Lecturer M.TECH
10 Miss. Ajanta Das Senior Instructor Diploma in Civil Engineering Nil Nil
11 Miss Pragati Talukdar Senior Instructor M.Tech

Electrical Engineering Department

Sl.No. Name Designation Qualifications Publications Trainings etc. (Last 3 years) Non-Academic Responsibilities Photo E-Mail Remarks
1 Dr. Mitali Chakravorty HOD (i/c) & Lecturer (Selection Grade) 1. B.E (G.U.)
2. M.Tech (Power system Engg.), IIT, Kharagpur
3. PhD (G.U.)
1. ‘Voltage Stability Analysis of Radial Distribution Networks’ 23 (2001) 129-135, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy systems-Elsevier, ISSN
2. ‘Importance of Load Flow Analysis in Voltage Stability Studies’, 21st Century Engineering: The Make in India Pathway.
Conference proceedings
3. ‘Voltage Stability Analysis using Conventional Methods’, 978-1-5090-4620-1/16 @2016 IEEE
4. ‘Multi-Objective TLBO Technique for Loss Reduction and FVSI Minimization’, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
5. ’Line Voltage Stability Analysis using FACTS devices’
Paper Code: EP-149
Special Issue PNFE-2016
Aug 20-July 21
1. 1-day FDP on “Circuit Design & Simulation of Electrical Engineering using AUTOMATION STUDIO Simulation Software”, organised by IndiaSoft Technologies, Pune (5th Aug, 2020)
2. Online AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Induction/Refresher Programme on “OBE and NBA Accreditation”, organized by Assam Textile Institute, Guwahati, Assamfrom 25/05/2021 to 31/05/2021.
3. Online AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Induction/Refresher Programme on “NBA Accreditation Process for Polytechnic (Phase II)”, organized by Dhalai District Polytechnic from 02/06/2021 to 07/06/2021.
Aug 21-July 22
1. Short Term Training Programme through ICT mode on “Student Mentorship”, NITTTR, Kolkata from 04/10/2021 to 08/10/2021
Aug 21-July 22

1.FDP on “NEP 2020: Reforms in Higher Education (SPL-17) NITTTR, Kolkata 05/12/2022 to 09/12/2022
Aug 23-July 24
1.FDP for Assam DTE on ‘Infosys Springboard’ INFOSYS, Hyderabad 19th June-21st June, 2024
State Public Information Officer, AEI
2 Mrs. Yasmin Zaman Lecturer (Selection Grade) 1. B.E (G.U.)
2. M.Tech (Signal Processing ECE.), IIT, Guwahati
Extraction of Fetal ECG (Bio- medical Signal Processing) – IEEE Journal. Aug 21-July 22
1. Webinar “Challenges faced by the students during pandemic” organized by the department of Computer Engineering andthe department of Chemical Engineering of Assam Engineering Institute On 18th August 2021.
2. Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on Electricity Rules and Code of Practices organised by NITTTR, Kolkata from 6th September to 10th September, 2021.
3. Online AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Induction/Refresher Programme on “OBE and NBA Accreditation Phase – III”, organized by Assam Textile Institute, Guwahati, Assam from 6/9/2021 to 11/9/2021.
4. ICT Mode STTP on “NBA Accreditation for Engineering Colleges” organised by NITTTR from 4/10/21 to 8/10/21.
5. Short Term Training Program(STTP) on “Computer networking with special reference to setup and maintenance of Institute campus network” organised by Computer Science and Engineering Department , Nalbari Polytechnic, Assam from 25/10/21 to 30/10/21.
6 Workshop on “Aligning Engineering & Polytechnic Education in the line of National Education Policy, NEP2020: Creating a roadmap for the state of Assam” on 9th November,2021
7. Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on “NEP 2020-Reforms in Higher Education” organised by NITTTR ,Kolkata from 24/01/2022 to 28/01/2022.
Aug 23-July 24
1.Trainer Programme on Electric Vehicle DTE, Assam and TTL 22/07/2024 to 25/07/2024
1. Member of Counselling Committee for PAT 2021.
2. Stock Verification of Chemical Engineering Department.
3. Member of Entrepreneurship Cell
3 Mrs. Dipika Haloi Lecturer (Senior Scale) 1. B.E (G.U) Aug 20-July 21
1.Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on “Rural Development” organised by NITTTR ,Kolkata. 04/01/21 to 08/01/21
Aug 21-July 22
1. Short term Training Programme through ICT mode on “NBAAccreditation for Engineering Colleges” organised by NITTTR, Kolkata 04/10/21 to 08/01/21
2. Short Term Training Programme on “Computer Networking with special reference to set up and maintenance of Institute Campus Network” organised by Computer Science and Engineering Department, Nalbari Polytechnic, Assam from 25/10/2021 to 30/10/2021.
3. Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on “NEP 2020-Reforms in Higher Education” organised by NITTTR ,Kolkata from 24/01/2022 to 28/01/2022.
Aug 23-July 24
1.Trainer Programme on Electric Vehicle DTE, Assam and TTL 22/07/2024 to 25/07/2024
1. Member of Counselling committee for PET 2021
2. Stock Verification of Electronic Engineering Department
4 Mridupaban Talukdar Lecturer B.E. in Electrical Engineering
5 Mr. Anowar Hussain Senior Instructor 1. Diploma in Electrical Engg. Transferred and Promoted to Nalbari Polytechnic in May, 2024

Mechanical Engineering Department

Sl.No. Name Designation Qualification Specialization Photo Identity
1 Bijuli Goswami HOD, Mechanical Engineering M.Tech Fuel Engineering
2 Mr. Jitumoni Deka Lecturer(Selection Grade) B.E, M Tech Fluids and Thermo Engg
3 Mrs. Archana Choudhury Lecturer(Selection Grade) B.E, ME Thermal
4 Dr. Sayeedul Islam Lecturer(Selection Grade) B.E, M.E, PhD Acoustic
5 Mr. Manas Pratim Borah Lecturer(Selection Grade) and attached to Lakhimpur Polytechnic as Principal B.E, ME Thermal
6 Mr. Bhabesh Goswami Lecturer(Selection Grade) B.E, MS B.E, MS
7 Mr. Utpal Kalita Lecturer(Senior Scale) B.E. Thermal
8 Dr. Upasana Sarma Lecturer PhD (IIT Guwahati) Manufacturing
9 Mimli Das Lecturer B.E.
10 Mr. Harish Deka Senior Instructor Diploma in Mechanical Engg.
11 Mr. L Das Jr. Instructor I.T.I.

Chemical Engineering Department

M Name Designation email Photo Identity
1 Mrs. Dipanjali Gogoi HOD In charge
2 Mr. Souradip Choudhury Lecturer
3 Ms. Smriti Rekha Konwar Lecturer
4 Mr. Saddam Hussain Lecturer(3f)
5 Ms. Limlee Bezbaruah Lecturer(3f)

Electronics & Telecom Engineering Department

Sl.No. Name Qualification Designation Publications Training (Last 3yrs) Photo Identity
1 Mrs. Pallavi Chowdhury M.Tech Head of the Department Nil 1.National Board of Accreditation
2. Soft skills developments
2 Mr. Satish Talukdar M.Tech Lecturer(S.G.) Nil Microprocessor and microcontroller
3 Mr. Pirbakash Ali M.Tech Lecturer(S.G.) Nil Microprocessor and microcontroller
4 Miss Bhagyashree Talukdar B.Tech Sr. Instructor Nil

Computer Engineering Department

Sl.No. Name Qualification Designation Publications Trainings (Last 3 Years) Photo Identity
1 Dr. Hitesh Tahbildar B.E.(CSE),
Principal, Assam Engineering Institute
2 Mrs. Plabita Borbora BE(CSE), MS (Software System) HOD , Computer Engineering Department 1 (Teaching Automated Test Data Generation Tools For C,C++ And Java Programs) 2021-2022
Soft Skill Development – 2 days NBA Accreditation for Polytechnics – 1 week
NEP 2020- Reforms in Higher Education
i)Geo-Informatics in Disaster Management – 5 days
3 Mrs. Prakriti Prava Das B.E (CSE),MS(SOFTWRE SYSTEMS). Lecturer(S.G.) 01 2021-2022
STTP : Introduction to Software –Defined Networking(SDN)-1 week
STTP : NBA Accreditation for Engineering College- 1 week Training : Government Process Re-Engineering – 3 days
i) Design Direct and Indirect Assessment Tools
ii) Entrepreneurship Development
iii) Teaching Pedagogy & Outcome Based Education System in NEP 2020
iv) Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning
v) Advancement in Next Generation Computing and Communication in the IoT age
i) Induction Training
ii)Recent Trends in AI and Machine Learning for Smart Computing
iii) NEP 2020 Plan for Implementation
iv) Laboratory Safety Management
4 Dr. Maushumi Lahon B.Tech(CSE), MBA(Systems), M.Tech, PhD(CSE) Lecturer cum Programmer & System Analyst Papers Published : 10
Book Chapter Published : 01
2021-2022 –
STTP – Research Methodology – 1 week
STTP – Student Mentorship – 1 week
Training – Government process Reengineering – 3 days.2022-2023 –
i) Python for Data Science
ii) Artificial Intelligence
2023-2024 –
Fundamentals of Data Science
5 Ms. Swapnali Borah M.Tech(CSE) Lecturer(S.G.) 2021-2022
STTP through ICT mode (NITTTRK)i) Introduction to Software Defined Networking – 5 days from 06.09.2021 – 10.09.2021
STTP through ICT mode (NITTTRK)ii) NBA Accreditation for Engg. Colleges. – 5 days from 04.10.2021 – 08.10.2021
iii) Ethics & Values in Governance at Assam Administrative Staff College – 3 days from 25.05.2022 to 26.05.2022
6 Mr. Abdul Barek M Tech (CSE), ASTU Lecturer
  • ICT SDN, NITTTR, Kolkata from 06.10.2021 to 10.10.2021 (1 week)
  • STTP through ICT Mode on NBA, Accreditation for Engineering Colleges, NITTTR, Kolkata from 04.10.2021 to 08.10.2021 (1 week).
  • STTP on Network Maintenance, Nalbari Polytechnic, Nalbari from 25.10.2021 to 30.10.2021 (1 week).
  • Teamwork and Collaboration, Assam Admn. Staff College from 22.08.2022 to 23.08.2022 (Two Days)
  • Awareness workshop on NCrF(National Credit Framework), IIT, Guwahati on 26-11-2022
  • PMKVY 4.0 ToT Training Programme on Data Science organized by IIT Guwahati with support from NSDC, MSDE 07.08.2023 – 18/08/2023 (12 days)
  • Online Training Programme on IOT By Tata Technology 10/06/2024 – 21/06/2024 (12 days)
  • Geo-Informatics in Disaster Management FDP/ Civil Engg Dept., JEC, Assam 18/06/2024 – 22/06/2024 (5 days)
  • Training of Trainer on IOT Organized by DTE, Assam with Tata Consultancy Limited (TTL) at Sonitpur Polytechnic, Dhekiajuli 02/07/2024 – 06/07/2024 (5 days)
  • 7 Chayanika Sarmah B.E.(CSE), M. Tech. (IT) Lecturer paper published-4,Abstract published-1, Book published-2
    8 Mr. Yajnadev Sharma Master of Computer Applications Technical Asstt. 1. Application of Software in Computer Application at NITTTR – Guwahati.
    2. Installation and Maintenance of Campus Network at Nalbari Polytechnic.

    Physics Department

    Sl.No. Name Qualification Designation Publication Training E-mail
    1 Dr. Tapan Kachari M. Sc., Ph. D. Lecturer 7 0
    2 Saujanya Adhyapak Post Graduate (Physics) Lecturer 2 0
    3 Jintumoni Pathak Post Graduate (Physics) Lecturer 0 0
    4 Mr. Navajyoti Mishra B. Sc. Scientific Assistant (Part time)
    5 Mr. Dilip Baisya Grade IV

    Chemistry Department

    Sl.No. Name Designation E-mail Photo Identity
    1 Ms. Jyotismita Das Lecturer, H.O.D in Charge
    2 Pragyan Jyoti Borah Lecturer
    3 Bidya Chakravorty Lecturer
    4 Mrs. Fuleswari Brahma Scientific Assistant
    5 Mr. PranabSarma Bearer

    Mathematics Department

    Sl.No. Name Designation Qualification E-mail
    1 Dr. Parbin Ahmed Prof. i/c Mathematics Department M Sc, Ph.D.
    Area of Specialisation: Pure Mathematics
    2 Nobin Daimary Lecturer M.Sc in Mathematics and computing
    3 Kalpa Jyoti Nath Lecturer M Sc. in Pure Mathematics

    Humanities Department

    Sl.No. Name Designation Qualification Specialization email Photo Identity
    1 Mrs Santana Das Lecturer(S.G.) in Economics
    2 Shamim Sultana Lecturer M.Com ; PGDCA Accounting and Finance