To be a department of repute imparting sustainable quality education in the field of Chemical Engineering to produce skilled technicians.

  • To impart knowledge and skills in the field of Chemical Engineering as well as allied fields.
  • To update the technical knowledge by Industry-Institute interaction.
  • To instil professional, environmental, social and ethical values in students who would contribute towards the well-being of the society.
  • To prepare the studentsto adapt to innovative technologies and pursue higher studies.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of Chemical Engineering Department:

PEO1 – To apply the knowledge of Chemical Engineering gathered at the institute to solve basic problems both at work area and the society as a whole.

PEO2 – To become successful technicians in industries and government organizations or become successful entrepreneurs.

PEO3 – To inculcate the spirit of team- work to solve problems in multidisciplinary fields, projects and to develop leadership qualities.

PEO4 – To develop themselves with ethics and social responsibilities in their own fields.

PEO5 – To instill the ability to adapt modern technologies in their respective fields. Also, to continuously strive for value addition to upgrade themselves.



  1. To empower the students to apply practical skills, knowledge in major streams such as, Petroleum, manufacturing and industrial engineering in the technician level.
  2. To enable the students to take up career in industries or to pursue higher studies in Chemical and interdisciplinary programs with high regards for ethical values, environmental and social issues.



It is one of the premier departments of the institute as well in the entire North-East. The department was started to produce quality technician in the field of Chemical Engineering. The department runs 3 years Diploma course in Chemical Engineering stream. In order to provide employment avenues, extra courses on soap and Phenyl manufacture, PVC pipes, chalk and candle making, etc, are also organized from time to time for the unemployed qualified youth.

Students passing out from the department get absorbed in various Oil sector PSUs like- IOCL, OIL, NRL, BCPL, ONGC, etc and manufacturing industries. Some also opt for higher studies in the Engineering colleges of the state and outside. Active participation is also seen in the Technical Exhibitions cum Model Competition and paper presentation, organized by ISTE-Students Chapter.

Courses Offeres: 3 year Diploma in Chemical Engineering


With an objective to implement NEP 2020 in Higher Education and the State
Polytechnics, with effect from the academic session 2024-25 a framework is
designed for the transformation of the entire Technical Education (TE) in order to
respond to the requirements of fast-changing and knowledge-based Indian society.
Salient features that were considered for developing the curriculum aligned to
NEP 2020 are as follows:
▪ Reduced number of credits.
▪ Introduction of Student Induction Program.
▪ Well defined learning objectives & outcomes for each course.
▪ Inclusion of courses on socially relevant topics.
▪ Built-in flexibility to the students in terms of professional elective and open
Elective courses.
▪ Mandatory internship to equip the students with practical knowledge and
provide them exposure to real time industrial environments.
▪ Virtual Labs.
▪ Mapping of Courses to its equivalent NPTEL/SWAYAM Course.
▪ Course on ‘Entrepreneurship and Startups’ to encourage entrepreneurial
▪ Introduction of Design Thinking and Universal Human Value course.
Structure of Diploma Program: The structure of Diploma program has the
following categories of courses with the breakup of credits as given:
Sl.No. Category Credit Breakup
1 Humanities and Social Sciences including Management courses 9
2 Basic Science courses 23
3 Engineering Science courses including workshop, drawing, basics of electronics/electrical/mechanical/computer etc. 10
4 Professional core courses 47
5 Professional Elective courses relevant to chosen specialization/branch 8
6 Open subjects – Electives from other technical and /or emerging Subjects 9
7 Project work, seminar and internship in industry or elsewhere 14
8 Mandatory Courses [Environmental Sciences, Induction Program, Indian Constitution, Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition] Non-Credit
Total 120
Course structure:-

Sl No Code No Subject Study Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Contact hour/week Theory Practical Total Marks (Theory+ Practical) Credit
L T P ESE Sessional(SS) Pass (ESE+SS) Practical Test(PT) Practical Assessment (PA) Pass (PT+PA)
TA HA Total (TA+HA)
1 Co-301 Computer Application & Programming 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 4
2 Hu-302 Engineering Economics & Accountancy 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 3
3 Me/Ch-301 Environmental Education 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 3
4 EL/ET-304 Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronics Engg 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 4
5 Me-304 Elements of Mechanical Engg 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 4
6 Ch-301 Principle of Unit Operation-I 3 1 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 5
7 Ch-310 Professional Practice – 1 1 2 25 25 25 17/50 50 2
19 1 14
Total 34 hrs/week Total 850 25

Sl No Code No Subject Study Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Contact hour/week Theory Practical Total Marks (Theory+ Practical) Credit
L T P ESE Sessional(SS) Pass (ESE+SS) Practical Test(PT) Practical Assessment (PA) Pass (PT+PA)
TA HA Total (TA+HA)
1 CH-401 Applied Chemistry 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 4
2 CH-402 Industrial Chemical Process-1 (CP-I) 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 100 4
3 CH-403 Fuel Furnace & Refractories (FFR) 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 100 4
4 CH-404 Thermodynamics & Kinetics 3 1 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 4
5 CH-405 Principle Of Unit Operation -II 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 4
6 CH-406 Chemical Engg Drawing-I 6 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 3
7 CH-410 Professional Practice – II 1 2 25 25 17/50 50 2
16 1 20
Total 37 hrs/week Total 850 25

Sl No Code No Subject Study Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Contact hour/week Theory Practical Total Marks (Theory+ Practical) Credit
L T P ESE Sessional(SS) Pass (ESE+SS) Practical Test(PT) Practical Assessment (PA) Pass (PT+PA)
TA HA Total (TA+HA)
1 CH-501 Instrumentation 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 4
2 CH-502 Industrial Chemical Process-II 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 100 4
3 CH-503 Petro Chemicals 3 1 70 10 20 30 33/100 17/50 100 4
4 CH-504 Principle of Unit Operation-III 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 4
5 CH-505 Chemical Engg Drawing-II 6 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 3
6 CH-510 Professional Practice – III 1 2 70 25 25 17/50 50 2
7 Optional (any 1)
A CH-506 Fertilizer Technology 3 1 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 4
B Ch-507 Petroleum Technology 3 1 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 4
16 2 17
Total 35 hrs/ week Total 850 25

Sl No Code No Subject Study Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Contact hour/week Theory Practical Total Marks (Theory+ Practical) Credit
L T P ESE Sessional(SS) Pass (ESE+SS) Practical Test(PT) Practical Assessment (PA) Pass (PT+PA)
TA HA Total (TA+HA)
1 Hu-601 Industrial management & Entrepreneurship 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 3
2 CH-601 Automatic Process Control (APC) 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 4
3 CH-602 Industrial Chemical Process-III (ICP-III) 3 1 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 4
4 CH-603 Principle Of Unit Operation-IV (PUO-IV) 3 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 25 25 17/50 150 4
5 CH-611 Project & Seminar 1 6 100 50 50/150 150 3
6 CH-612 Grand Viva 1 1 70 25 25 17/50 50 2
7 CH-610 Professional Practice – IV 1 2 25 25 17/50 50 2
8 Optional (any 1)
A CH-604 Petroleum Refining 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 3
B CH-605 Paper Technology 3 70 10 20 30 33/100 100 3
16 2 16
Total 34 hrs/ week Total 850 25

Faculty and Staff

M Name Designation email Photo Identity
1 Mrs. Dipanjali Gogoi HOD In charge
2 Mr. Souradip Choudhury Lecturer
3 Ms. Smriti Rekha Konwar Lecturer
4 Mr. Saddam Hussain Lecturer(3f)
5 Ms. Limlee Bezbaruah Lecturer(3f)

Chemical Engineering Syllabus

2ND SEMESTER SYLLABUS (OLD) view / download
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING , 3rd to 6th SEMESTER view / download

Chemical Engineering Department Laboratories:

  • Automatic Process Control Lab
  • Unit Operation Lab
  • Fuel Lab
  • Instrumentation and process control Lab
  • Industrial Chemical Process Lab


Students are taken on excursions to refineries and other industrial locations so that students are well exposed to practical applications. Also active participation of students in cultural and technical events of the college and outside the college is also seen. Students take part in technical presentation competitions, Quiz competitions, etc in other technical institutes of the state earn laurels. Some of the student’s activities of the present year are listed below;



**Industrial Visit at Assam Air Product Pvt. Ltd, Nagaon and a Tea Factory by 3rd  Semester Students on 09-11-2022.


** Industrial Visit at CIPET, Changsari by the 5th Semester Students on 28-10-2022.


**Industrial Visit at IGC, Chaygaon, and Star Cement, Mirza by 6th Semester Students on 27-05-2022.

**Industrial Visit 4th Semester at AIIDC, Bamunimaidan on 24-05-2022.

1) At Panbazaar Water Treatment Plant- Students of 5th semester visited the plant and learned about the various processes involved in water treatment.

2) MCCL, Cherapunjee – Its one of the oldest running cement factory in North-East.  Students had a great learning experience on the cement manufacturing process.

3) IGC, Chaygaon Set up at the outskirt of the Guwahati City the Industrial Growth Centre has around 40 plus industries like Students visited industries of various sectors like FMCG, Plastics, Paper products, Agro based etc. and had a good learning experience.

4) Assam Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation, Bamunimaidan Visited various industries within AIIDC of various sectors like Package foods, Engineering goods, Paper products etc.

5) EXCURSION: A yearly excursion trip is conducted for the final year students. In January 2020 students visited Haldia Refinery, in previous year’s students visited Neo-Carbon Pvt. Ltd and Asphalt Company in West Bengal.

6) Students Industrial Training:

Pic: Our students at CIPET and Pollution Control Board, Bamunimaidan
Pic: Our students at ONGC, Sivasagar

7) Participation in the Annual Cultural fest of the institute:-

1st Prize at Cultural Rally(2020)

2nd Prize in Wall magazine competition.(2019)

8) Orientation Program:-

Every year at the beginning of the yearly session we organize an Orientation Program for the 1st semester students of the department, to make them familiar with the department.

9) Webinars:-

During COVID-19 nationwide lock-downs, Chemical Engineering Department has organized various departmental and institute webinars in various fields in order to keep the students motivated.

Pic: Speaker-Abhijit Bhuya 24/05/2021_Topic-Design Thinking
Pic: Speaker-Anjan Gogoi 04/06/2021_Topic-Soft Skills Pic: Speaker-Saswati Choudhury 10-06-2021_Topic-Social Engineering